Friday, December 10, 2010


I just watched the footage with the advice used from our great techs here at RRC. The audio is perfect, so the problem must have been with the camera mic. The lighting is superb! And overall, I'm happy that this footage can be used because I was sad to have lost it.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Documentary this far

Main floor, this iron stove is a supposed hot spot for paranormal activity.
I have been lagging on the production of the Manitoba Hauntings documentary. Third semester is coming to a close and with it, the endless array of assignments we had to produce kept me away from my project. However, earlier this week I started production at the third haunted Manitoba location mentioned in the film, the St. Boniface Museum.

I met with museum directer Philippe Mailhot Phd. after hours while the museum was closed to start filming and do an interview. We had decided on a great place to set up the interview, in the main entrance where the tour begins. This area is a tribute to Louis Riel and many of his artifacts are found right here at the museum including one of his coffins, this one in which was burnt.  We had decided to film in the dark and use my equipment lighting as the main source of light for this interview. In preparation, the famous Louis Riel Heritage video turned on, like it is known to do from time to time reported by museum staff.

This didn't alert me, I was for warned that this happens from time to time. We continued to film, and it was odd that the lighting as bright as they are required that I use more than one. The interview turned out perfectly, I couldn't have written the script better myself, Dr. Mailhot is a terrific speaker.

After we finished the interview, we went through the museum, filming locations reported to be active by museum staff. All of this was filmed in the dark, that is with all of the museum lights off  and using the equipment lights to add a eerily haunting hue around what I was filming. Everything was going well. We were filming in the chapel, I was focused on the Virgin Mary statues when BOOM! A light knocked over and broke. Neither I or Dr. Mailhot were near this light. We connected the disturbance to possible the cord getting knocked over somehow.

So with one light, we ventured upstairs to film the famous rocking chair. I admit that the mannequins spooked me. We then went down to the basement, where the biggest activity presence has said to have taken place. All in all I was extremely pleased with the footage as I played it back through the camera. Everything looked spectacular and creepy. However, the audio is horribly distorted as it shouldn't be. I didn't have the levels on the mic or the camera up high at all. In fact the audio levels were set the medium on the dial and this somehow has caused distortion even  through the wind and other ambient sounds that were filmed outdoors.

I had made only one attempt to film here so far, so the fact that I have to re-record an interview and ambient sound is not an issue. I have a few more interviews to shoot as well. The one thing that does disappoint me, is the fact that my tape seems to be corrupt. I watched everything on the camera, but I can't get the tape to work in an edit suite using Final Cut Pro. The tape plays a black image and keeps rewinding itself.

I can only hope, that my instructor or the techs at school can help me with this problem. That is to say, if it is a technical problem.


Saturday, November 27, 2010

The brand of me

For an advertising assignment, we were asked to determine our own personal brand. This was one of the hardest things I have ever had to write about myself. It is more than an autobiography. You have to persuade others that you are what you say your are. I said I was a caregiver.

Here's some of my brand, including my logo.

And then, I had to write my own Brand Story, which was even harder, here goes.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

It's snowing, time to relax

Yes, it is snowing and it makes me happy for a few reasons. Things have been super stressful as this semester is wrapping up. I can't believe it is almost over. It feels like it just started! But the lightly falling snowflakes are reminding me to keep it together, relax, enjoy what I have accomplished and decorate a Christmas tree with my family this weekend. There are only a few weeks left and it seems like the majority of our big assignments are either done or the bulk of them are. I feel like a weight has been lifted and am enjoying our smaller assignments. Most recently, we have written a PSA for Bear Your Heart, a charity for the Childrens Wish Foundation on February 7th. I really enjoyed this assignment, just about as much as I enjoyed writing a series of 15 second spots for radio advertising today. It excites me, that this is the kind of work I will be doing at CHUM radio in January. Despite everything, that has been happening at Curve 94.3, I am still pretty excited to work for them, but at the same time, a little worried. But stations need advertising right? I hope everything will work out.
For now, I am just happy knowing that this weekend, I can start my shopping, decorate my tree and bake some cookies! Oh, and try to convince my five-year old that Santa is real...
As for our next bit of assignments, I look forward to them, don't laugh. I am happy to create a ton of spots and proposals to build up my proposal. The end is almost near and our careers will soon befall us. Now isn't that exiting?

Monday, November 15, 2010

Some thoughts and venting, because we all need to let it out somehow.

I need to continuously update my blog, but I lack the motivation.
I feel how I did last year.
I feel like I'm sinking.
I spend so much time on school, that my family is suffering.
I feel like it's all for nothing.
As hard as I try, it isn't good enough.

On the plus, I am filming my first interview for my documentary on Wednesday, even though I don't have time. It's an eye witness account to a haunting at St. Andrews Anglican Church.

That is all.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Leo is Thirsty for More

As many of my readers know, I am a Creative Communications student in my second year. A huge part of our curriculum is our Independent Professional Project (IPP). My IPP is a documentary on three haunted places in Manitoba and I am pleased to say that this IPP is well on it's way. I have documented two out of the three sites and have done some paranormal research of my own.

The fact is, that based on my script and proposal, only one story is supposed to have an investigation. All three are filmed using different mediums. One involves a reenactment, one is an investigation and the other is filled with eye-witness accounts.

From what I have noticed, my friends both at school and out of school have been recommending that I visit sites from all over the province. I really enjoy investigating and don't need anymore locations to be researched for my IPP.

However, I have decided that as part of my marketing tool, to get this documentary placed on national television, I should continue to investigate and blog about my findings.

I have decided that a blog full of investigations would be a great piece to have when I pitch my idea for national television. Who knows, maybe if I don't find a job right after graduation, I will have a career in a television series waiting for me. One can only hope.

In the mean time I'll just keep on doing what I'm doing. Not only for my documentary, but for my overall interest in this topic. I absolutely love the rush of completely spooking myself out! And I hope you all will enjoy reading about it as well.

Thank you to all for your support and feel free to recommend haunted places, movies and books. I appreciate the interest all of you have in my project as well as the support I have received.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ghosts Killed Them

For real?

8213 Gacy House (2010) is about a group of paranormal investigators who went to the abandoned house one night in search of paranormal activity in 2006.

John Wayne Gacy Jr. was known as a mass murderer a.k.a. Killer Clown who killed and molested on average 33 boys and young men during a seven year span in the 1970's. 26 bodies were found in the basement along with a cage housing a noose. The house is located in Chicago.

This documentary is said to be actual footage found during a police investigation. All team members were found dead and one still remains missing. The footage was turned into a documentary by a production company called The Asylum. The Asylum? Haha.

The company has said that this is actual footage changed to have a narrative.This may actually be the case. What you see from a camera's eye view is real. And the rest is acted?

However, this is by far the best paranormal activity movie I have seen to date. I recommend a look, even if it is fabricated. I still found it convincing to a degree. They put a lot of effort into making you think so.

Monday, October 25, 2010

An Advertising Class Full of Shopping, Observing and Pancakes!

So for our shopping assignment, we were asked to shop and observe clientele and watch out for enticing displays at Polo park Shopping Centre at 10:30 a.m. after a delicious class breakfast at The Pancake House last Monday morning. From what I noticed many of these shoppers were in their mid age, 30-50. My assumption is that these are the people, who shop early while their wives, husbands and children are out for the day. It’s a great time to get some hassle-free shopping done. I also noticed that by the time 11:30 a.m. rolled around, the traffic picked up in the mall. I saw a few teens and couples traipsing through the mall.

These customers come to the mall on a mission. They had already planned to shop. It was like they knew what they wanted and went straight for it, so making a purchase on their behalf didn’t take them very long. It was usually a quick in and out purchase for them especially since most of the stores were nearly empty and the sales people hurried to assist them. With service like this, why should it take a long time? I went to clothing and beauty stores. For one, lululemon was one of the busiest stores. People were drawn to the sports gear. Middle-aged women were purchasing yoga pants, shirts, water bottles and under garments. A lot of the women didn’t even bother to try anything on, which in my mind must mean that they are familiar with the products and already know what they want and like.

We talked to a salesperson at The Body Shop, which has a clientele of the age group I mentioned earlier. With mostly women aged 30 to 50, I was surprised to find that teenage shoppers frequent the store on account of a display at their entrance. The display shows a cannabis leaf and mentions something about getting high with their hemp line of moisturisers. Sales people at The Body Shop have said that this display has attracted countless teenagers, which is great for the store because they are attracting other than their target audience.

This ad campaign however has caused a lot of controversy due to the fact that they are promoting a product by showing an image of an illicit illegal drug. The Body Shop argues, however, that they have been selling hemp products for years and there is nothing illegal about it. This is a great campaign, because it has attracted teens into their store inquiring about hand and body moisturizers. Perhaps even a new fad amongst teens? I think this is great business for them and it is interesting to see how an ad, as ballsy as a cannabis plant on display in front of The Body Shop can legally be put there and influences a new target audience to shop in the store.

I have to say that I was surprised when I saw the cannabis plant at the front of The Body Shop store. Although I’m not sure that I would have noticed it, if it wasn’t for the fact that I was across from the display waiting at Virgin Mobile, purchasing my new smart phone. My wandering eyes took over me and I couldn’t help but notice the wow - factor of this display. I had to know what all that was about. So we went in and asked them.

Another display worth mentioning was the flying cats display outside of Aritzia. I mean, what is that all about? I wish I would have gone in, instead of just taking pictures of the odd display for fun. I think I may have to make another trip down to Polo Park Shopping Centre just to ask. The display itself however, did not make me want to enter the store. Perhaps it was because I know how much things cost in there. A few others worth mentioning, was the dressed up theft detector outside of lululemon, it actually made me walk right up to it to see what it had on it. And it is kind of funny; there were images of different exercising positions. Once I realized what it was, I was already in the store and decided to venture through.

The displays with all of the promotions did not make me want to enter the store. Like yeah, it’s great that if I buy $200 worth of stuff that I will receive $50 off, but those kinds of displays are everywhere and usually all the time. For example, for years LaSenza has been displaying “buy 7 pairs for $35,” I think they need to change it up a little, although it is nice to know that their underwear is always on sale. The best service will be received by any of the stores that have sales people working at the front entrance waiting to greet you or are wearing head-sets. You know, that they make it their mission to assist you and you will find what you are looking for fast. Places where the service was not so great, were at the smaller boutique-type shops where there is only one person working.

Overall, I think that Polo Park Shopping Centre has stepped up their game. I don’t shop at this mall usually because it is quite far from where I live. I noticed that the Apple Store was put up about a year ago. I haven’t been to many of the stores over the past year. But I have noticed that within this year; the staff at these stores have been much more helpful and friendlier than before. I know it’s because they want my money, but that’s a good thing. Make me feel good for taking my money and I will recommend you to others.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Advertising in New Media

So hi!
I was thinking about writing my blog and wandering what I should discuss. Should it be something about my IPP (Independent Professional Project). Something maybe, about our advertising  class Chicago trip fundraisers? Or how chaotic my life has been at the moment on top of drastic car troubles?

Well, I decided that my blog is becoming too redundant. Like, too much of a good thing,  isn't so good anymore. Anyway, so then I thought about writing about our fundraisers. Unfortunately due to my home life I was unable to make it out to our first one. Not knowing first hand how it went would make my blog post, in my opinion not worth it. And I'm not really wanting to discuss my private life in blog form.

courtesy of google
So, let's talk about advertising in new media instead. I was thinking about this topic and realized it is huge! Like completely. It's such a giant way to get messages across without the public thinking that they are being brainwashed. The way I'm going to argue this is simple.   

Traditional media consists of film, images and spoken words. Now on the other hand, new media is a whole new level of media developed to interact. DVDs & Cds (film), video games & consoles (images) and web 2.0 (spoken words) are three prime examples of this new type of media and all three are used to promote advertising of products tailored to our interests.

For example, adverting on DVDs promote new movies, previews. Yes, they do that in films (movie theatres) too. What distinguishes DVD advertising from film advertising is that the ads on DVDs are tailored to the public. Ads that show how buying products such as home theatre systems, Coca-Cola, and cars will make their music experience better.

Video games do this type of viral marketing too. I'm not talking about ads that are placed directly in the games but rather on the game console.  All three major game consoles Wii, XBOX and Playstation place ads in their main menu promoting new games, subscription promos, accessories, sweepstakes, computers and accessories etc.

And lastly, we have advertising in the new media form of web 2.0 A huge example would be Facebook, but of course there are countless others. See the illustration.
courtesy of google
Ahh, Facebook. Everyone Facebooks, with over  150 million Facebook users most of which have ad sidebars. These sidebar ads are tailored to your personality. For example, my page shows me ads for advertising related companies, photography, cupcakes, and marketing. Mmm cupcakes..... Now, I didn't status anything about advertising, photography, marketing or cupcakes. But I do have subject related friends and interests. 

So that is how it works and Facebook is not the only form of new media advertising done this way. I could talk about Twitter, google, blogger, and the newest one I will be joining LinkedIn, but I don't have the time or the brain capacity to discuss all. So I leave you with this, pay attention to what your are viewing. I'm sure you never realized how wicked cool or creepy is actually is.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Berns & Black

So I'm sitting here on my laptop thinking about whether or not I should write my ad to be funny, and started thinking about ads that are emotional yet funny. My two favs

I like the Knorr ad better. Although both are super cute, funny, emotional and descriptive. So I was thinking, in my Berns & Black ad, should it be funny? take a look! I don't really get this impression from them. It probably is a good idea however, to attract the target audience. Berns & Black is a newly establishment salon, not only for women, but for men as well complete with their own line of eco-friendly products. They are different in the way that they use vintage shaving techniques for men complete with a vintage style shaving chair! Pretty neat, I think you should check them out. Don't forget if you are a student at Red River, show them your ID for a super great discount! As part of the Young Professionals Program. Just sayin'


Saturday, October 9, 2010

On Location Part 2

Today, I spent almost the entire day filming. I went to two locations. I filmed footage of the Jefferson tree and surrounding areas this afternoon and attempted some on-camera footage for the first time. Unfortunately, I had some issues. I believe at one point during, I said "I am under the Jefferson tree where the legends derived from, and it is raining." I am sure that I said shit and laughed a lot too. Haha. I don"t know if I am cut out for this. But I did it so much, that I am sure something good came out of it.

I also had challenges, because the boom mic battery died on me and I had to switch to the lav mic. Oh boy, It sure took a while. Once I returned to the car to put the audio away all snug, I realized I had to leave to pick up my boyfriend from work. So I will be returning tomorrow to finish the rest of the Jefferson tree footage of the forest mazes, old quarry, and old quarry wall.

Afterward, we returned to St. Andrews Anglican Church. It was nearly dusk and I had to rush to re-take all of the previous shots I did without sound. At one point while shooting the cemetery gates, I believe that a frog kept croaking at me. It sounded like it was inside of the stone wall! Soon, it got dark and I continued to film with the LED light. It was creepy, there were noises all around. But the tombstones looked amazing in the dark illuminated by light.

I filmed the end scene of my reenactment and during all this, about four cars pulled up in the dark, saw me and left. I did however see an old 1930 s car, pull onto the street and drive off. Yes, I filmed it. It was awesome, because there is a ghost sighting story about this type of car to be seen on location.

Lastly, while I was packing up, John, my boyfriend, was standing near the equipment facing the church and all of a sudden he says,
"Whoa. Shit!"
I say, "what?"
He says, "nothing."
I say, "what?! Tell me!"
He says, " I thought I saw something walk by."
I say, "Oh, that was my man in black."
He says, "What? Really"
I say, "Yeah, I am filming him in my reenactment."

John did not know the story of the Man in Black. He later told me that he saw a shadowy figure. I say, awesome! That is so cool! Too bad I was kneeling down to put everything away. We had to leave right then because, we had to pick up our son from my parents. Too bad, I will see the Man in Black someday.


Ps. I went to the haunted St. Boniface Museum location this week to talk to the Museum Director. It was great, and I will blog about it soon. Till then, happy haunting!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Something growled at us!

That's right, while on our vigil, we were growled at three times! Tonight was a fun, yet a scary night. We did some screaming, but well, we asked for it. Tonight's investigation was supposed to take place last weekend, however I was faced with some unfortunate circumstances and had to postpone all of my shooting. Tonight at the Jefferson tree, myself and fellow CreComm friend and investigator, Amanda Hope spent hours on location. We scouted for a few hours, got lost in the forest maze, left on a mission, then returned at night fall to film in the dark. It was super fun and super scary.

The crazy thing is, that even though a couple of elderly people set up camp to have some sort of fire, while at the tree, we felt completely off and uneasy.  We decided to venture off to an area, that we never had been. It was our first time, attempting communication there, and quite possibly our last (without boys anyway). It was terrifying! The thing that set us off was being growled at so much and something running towards us that the only way we felt safe was to loudly sing the coconut song from The Lion King!

I am happy to say, that I snapped a ton of photos, like 4 or 5 per a minute, and the orbs in each set, are different. Some move, some disappear. It is exciting. I don't know if you believe, and I know that orbs can be defined as the lens being too close to the flash causing a light reflection. But I ask you, in a few seconds how can some be there and some not. And some move. Believe what you will. I still don't know what to believe. Only, I hope to never to get growled like that at again!


Sunday, September 26, 2010

IPP Progress

Not much to say that has happened this week. I have done no filming, or sighting. I have, however made a contact with my second location to document and am calling tomorrow, to make further plans.

As for the documentary itself, the script is nearly finished, the incredibly first draft anyway. I spent the majority of the weekend, reading, researching, writing, thinking and thus developing my draft. I have also planned the next few weeks and made a schedule. Lots of filming ahead of me. It is almost October and at least two thirds of my doc needs to be filmed outdoors, if not more.
New Jefferson Tree photo, what is this red thing?

I plan to go back to the Jefferson Tree location this week to further the investigation with my good friend Amanda Hope, however we both got sick after our last venture out there and aren't 100% yet. But I have learned that the tree we thought it was, may not be the right one, Apparently the tree we need to find is hidden somewhere in the maze at the park. Not sure if I believe this, but its worth a look.

I also plan to go back to St. Andrews next weekend to re-shoot and do a little research of my own with my guy. Sounds like a great date! Haha, just kidding, but you never know.

Till then,

~ Jenn

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The iPad

Being a lucky CreComm student that I am, the ad majors are even a luckier bunch to receive iPads for the year, shared with a partner at no additional cost. This past week, was my week with the iPad and I have to say that, that I keep messing up on my normal keyboard now when I type. The keys from a PC to a Mac, to an iPad are in totally different places. Other than that, I prefer the iPad for note taking for its convenience and simplicity. Hey, it's nice not to have a white screen looming at me either.

As for the apps, I'm not all that big into the app world. I had no idea even where to find the store once I got it. Once, I figured it out, I downloaded a few, like yes yes Angry Birds ( I thought my son would be the coolest five year old if he knew how to play it). I downloaded this ridiculous app called Capture which allows you to place a ghostly image into any photo on your iPad. Haha! Can you say cheese? It's totally corny and I would never make anything for real with it, but I did play around with it one lunch hour last week.

I am pleased to say that I found a great branding book off of Kindle that I want to purchase, although for the life of me I can't remember the title, nor can I check it out now because... I don't have Wi-Fi :(  So pretty much at home, I don't get all that much use out of it, and at school, I don't really have time to browse apps.  However, I'm sure that will soon come to an end once we start developing the ideas for our own e-book apps as part of a major collaborative assignment. Sounds exciting!

Just in case you didn't know

~ Jenn

Ghost Hunting Day 2

So this time, yea kinda.

After last night's experience at our second location, Little Mountain Park, I think I want to pursue this spot and film it with a little twist. The general idea has changed to go in a direction that no one has ever thought (that I know of....)

I was told by a credible source at Muddy Waters Tours that in order for the documentary to work, I have to distinguish between legend and facts. So, this is exactly what I am doing. And after last night's encounter, I truly believe there is something at the park, but not what we were expecting.

First, we seeked  out the old St. Norbert Monastery, I've never been and was told by Muddy Waters Tours, that is is extremely active.  The Monastery itself is fenced off but the grounds are open, so we ventured the grounds. As we walked near the river, the fog cascading off the water was so luminous that I had to film it. Unfortunately, the camera light wouldn't pick it up, it was too dark. It was upsetting, because I was already there with the camera, but couldn't see a thing. Maybe I'll go back, maybe not. I'm not sure if I want to pursue this story, but I'll lock it in the vault for safe keeping.

~ Jenn

Ps. Going out to check out story number 2 today!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

On Location Part 1

So I went out to two locations today, the St. Boniface Museum and the Jefferson (KKK) tree location. I went without a camera, just to scout out these reportedly haunted sites. I brought my digi cam with me to test out shots. Unfortunately ( I am baffled by this) I can not upload these photos to my computer. It appears that they don't exist. I don't understand it, because the images are right there on my camera. I've never had this problem before, so i suppose I will just have to re-take the photographs.

The first location, the St. Boniface Museum, is now somewhat a sanctuary to nuns and the convent that used to reside in the old building. Founded in 1845 the building also used to be a childrens hospital and a Catholic school, which later converted to an all girls Catholic boarding school.  I completely forgot while on location to check out the nearby cemetery which inhabits gravestones that date back to the 1700's.
(I will be returning next weekend)

The second location, at Little Mountain Park, is a secluded off-leash dog park that is fairly steady with visitors. The haunted place, I set out to find was a very old cottonwood tree with one erie branch that hangs near the base of the tree. This one branch stands out from the rest because it lays almost completely parallel with the ground below. The park, including the tree was part of the village, Mount Royal over 100 years ago. The park has remnants of a quarry that once existed.

Taken from Google

I have to say I was unimpressed at both locations with the lack of any sort of feeling that I could have encountered.  The only thing that I feel to be odd, is the lack of photos that I can produce in light of my day.

PS. It was insanely cold on the grounds near the tree at the second location.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ghost Hunting Day 1

Not really....

Today, as the first step of my IPP (Independent Professional Project) a classmate and I adventured out to case study #1, St. Andrews on the Red Anglican Church. The church built in 1848 is one of the oldest historical sites in Canada. The supposed paranormal activity at this site is astounding and in so, has become my first story to tell.

The church has open visiting hours annually from May until, well.. this weekend. So I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to grab some footage! It wasn't bad. The inside of the church itself isn't really all that cool and pretty small. Except for a stain glass window which is said to be the original from 1881. I filmed it.

We filmed the entire grounds. Nothing really creepy happened, seeing as it was before dusk. Although we did encounter weird 'hammering' type noises that seemed to mirror our every location. There were a couple of times while filming we would look at each other and say, "did you hear that?" Most likely our creep outs were caused by the fact that we knew we were on haunted grounds, but that's okay...

However, in regards to my footage, I spent two hours filming 15 minutes of boring shots! But, that's the way it goes. This documentary is a long process, as it should be, but still totally fun. Exploring the grounds, research, interviews, and reenactments! Now this is right up my alley.

I knew filming just randomly would help heat things up in my mind. I have so many questions. Like why all these children died in 1894, Manitoba archives here I come!


Ps. I met a women on the grounds while filming who told me of another legend. It is said that if you run around the church three times you will see something paranormal and even possibly... disappear.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Time To Get Going

School is one week away and my IPP (Independent Professional Project) is nowhere to be found. For this documentary I have chosen Manitoba Hauntings. One of my topics, recommended by my dad is to get the story on St. Andrews on the Red, located near Selkirk.

According to this site, this spot is number 3 on their top 5 places to visit in Manitoba. Sweet! My first research piece is discovered.

(Taken directly from the site)

3) Selkirk, St. Andrew's on the Red: Dreams of Gates

St. Andrew's on the Red is actually the name of the church in front of the cemetery that is said to be haunted. There has been a man in black and a lady in white said to be drifting through the graveyard at night. A ghost car coming out of nowhere has also been described as well as the sighting of two red eyes staring out through the dark. There also has been a strange connection between those who have visited this cemetery after dark. It is said that they have all had dreams of the cemetery gates rattling.

The sign at the bottom right says - NO TRESPASSING AFTER DUSK

 - Huh!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Tomorrow's the big day!

Tomorrow from 5-10 @ the Edge Gallery. Rachel is having her big opening night exhibit. We hope that you all come.

Here are just a few things we thought you should know.

-First there will be a beautiful cake! Courtesy of Cake-ology.
-Second, band is set to perform after 8 pm
-Third, payment options. Cash or cheque. Sorry guys no debit! Cheques must clear before purchases can be taken home.

Thanks guys, hope to see you out!


Monday, August 2, 2010

First Fridays Comes to the Exchange

First Fridays is a year-round, once-a-month event when artists, artist run centres, galleries, cafés and small businesses open their doors to the public every first Friday of each month from 5:00 p.m.– 9:00 p.m. Cities throughout North America partake in this event and it has proven to be wildly successful. 

This year, First Fridays comes to the Exchange. Follow the link to check out all these great galleries and spots where things are happening. Some include:

The Artspace Building     
The Fyxx
The Albert Diner
Fleet Gallery
Golden City Fine Art

See more here:

The Edge Gallery & Traveling In Colour - Rachel Boese Art & Photography are ecstatic to partake in this event. We hope you can come check us out!


Friday, July 30, 2010

~ Opening NEXT weekend!!!

Hey guys!

We hope that you attend Traveling In Colour- Rachel Boese Art & Photography. It should be a fun weekend and we have some perks for you!

On Friday, we are open from 7-10.And Saturday, from 12:30-4:30. We will have live acoustic acts performing folksy songs ( TBA).

We also will have a ton of appetizers and beverages!! Plus Friday comes with a celebration cake made for Rachel Boese with the help of her close friend Pam @ Cake-ology. 

Our extra special gift to you, is the first fifty people that attend each day of the opening weekend (Fri 7-10/Sat 12:30-4:30) will receive a $5 credit towards their purchase of a Rachel Boese original, custom, or print!!!

We hope to see you there! There is no admission but donations are accepted for Rachel's tuition.


~ Jenn

The last poll:

create a free poll on

Thanks for all of your help! We really appreciate it =]

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


The last two polls in a series of paintings created by Rachel Boese. The polls are used to understand the public's appeal. Using their faves we are making prints of about five to sell at the art show. These prints are a limited edition and will be signed by the artist. As well will come full with a statement from the artist herself.

create a free poll on

create a free poll on

Traveling In Colour - the Edge Gallery
611 Main Street
August 6 - 12.
Opening weekend Friday 7-10/Saturday 4:30-4:30
Food. Music. Art.


Monday, July 26, 2010

Less than two weeks away!

Rachel Boese Art & Photography exhibit @ the Edge Gallery on 611 Main St. is less than two weeks away. Please help us for print options by voting on these great abstracts by Rachel Boese. Keep posted for performance line-ups!


create a free poll on

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Marilyn Monroe Collection

By Rachel Boese. Please help us, tell us what you like. Please VOTE.

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Traveling in Colour!!

The Edge Gallery is pleased to present Traveling In Colour, our vibrant exhibit full of water colours, acrylics and charcoal sketches by Rachel Boese will be displayed at the gallery.

Rachel Boese, our talented young homegrown artist has been accepted into Emily Carr University of Art + Design and will be moving to the West Coast. We invite you to join us for a celebration and a sendoff to our traveling artist as she embarks on her future endeavors.

Most of her pieces, both paintings and still photography were used in her portfolio prior to her acceptance and come in a variety of sizes. Grab a painting before she's famous!

The exhibit runs from Friday August 6th through till Thursday August 12.
Hours are from 12:30 - 4:30.  Closed Sundays.
Admission is based upon donation and live acoustic musical performers are scheduled to appear opening weekend.

*Prints of the public's favourites will be available for purchase based on a poll of her work. If  you are interested, check out

We hope to see you there!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Traveling in Colour!!

Here it is! My beloved poster for the solo art exhibit, Rachel Boese Art & Photography - Traveling in Colour. The images were created by Rachel Boese and the poster was created by me.

Also here is another poll. Please VOTE. And thanks for your time.


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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day everyone! Since she is Canadian, there is no better time than July 1st to VOTE on your favourite work by Rachel Boese.

Second in a series of polls leading up to our art exhibit for Rachel Boese Art @ the Edge Gallery from August 6-12.  The first exhibit for this talented young artist is also her last ( for the next few years anyway). Rachel is leaving for the west coast to attend an art school and pursue her dream. Your help is greatly appreciated!

create a free poll on

Ps. Wherever your CanDay celebrations may take you, if you see our national bird... RUN! Geese are mean!


Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Please help us out and vote on your favourite pieces of artwork for the upcoming art show at the Edge Gallery August 6-12.

First in a series of polls leading up to our art exhibit for Rachel Boese Art @ the Edge Gallery from August 6-12.  The first exhibit for this talented young artist is also her last ( for the next few years anyway). Rachel is leaving for the west coast to attend an art school and pursue her dream. Your help is greatly appreciated!

create a free poll on

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Rachel Boese Art Exhibit Underway.

Rachel Boese Art. This is how the show/exhibit is going on. Set for August 6-12 at the Edge Gallery in the Exchange of Downtown Winnipeg. We are having an opening night on the Friday. Admission is up to the partakers all based on donation. There will be a variety of artwork from teeny tiny small to huge water colours and acrylics.

The story behind Rachel Boese and her art is simply that she is a talented young artist who has been accepted into to famous art school, Emily Carr in Vancouver and is leaving at the end of the summer. this exhibit is sort of a send off for Rachel and she embarks on her artist's journey. My suggestion, grab a painting before she's famous!

Rachel is known for her Marilyn Monroe collection. In addition to the paintings, Rachel has a wide variety of photography, mostly outdoor stills. These photos are very unique and done really well.

I look forward to working with Rachel and Serena from the Edge Gallery. It's a great chance for me to use my experience in PR and advertising. As well, it's a great way for me to help out a friend and plan something special.

We will have musical guests perform on Saturday August 7th. Be on the lookout for core area poster advertisements, announcements, and Facebook invites!


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Heart and Stroke Big Bike Ride

CURVE 94.3 & CTV. 
Photo taken yesterday at the Forks Market courtesy of Amy Houston & CURVE 94.3

Monday, June 14, 2010

Follow Up

Well I'm baaack. Nothing really to blog about over here, hence my lack of blog posts. I lost track of the weeks, might be around week six?

I've done so much on my summer to do list. Unfortunately it doesn't feel like enough and the summer seems to be flying by.

Joey is registered in school and a daycare that is situated in the school. The subsidy forms have been sent. Soccer practice will be over at the end of the month. And now it's time to find my little hellion another sport or activity.

I've been working as a promotions host for CURVE 94.3 and 99.9 BOB FM since the beginning of May. It's actually quite fun and I get to meet all kinds of interesting and cool people.

The art show I was intending to put on will be during the week of August 6-12. Still a lot of work needed to be done on that one. We Hope to get a liquor license and have two musical acts perform. Fliers and ads must be designed. As well as a whole lot of planning.

I've been having a stressful month at my other job. So this much needed vacation we are going on this weekend will be exactly what I need to chill out. We have been invited for a cabin/cottage birthday party on the beach. NO CHILDREN. Hot tub, satellite TV, you name it.

And the best part is that I get to drive there in my new car, purchased on Friday.

On the down side, IPP production is still lacking. I need to book a ghost tour soon!! Instead of filming early since I am way busier than I thought I would be, I'm going on the tours, meeting people, picking my spots, exploring the spots, writing the script, taking photos, setting up interviews, and setting up Facebook invites for shooting dates.

Ps. And I have to start reading assigned books for Chris Pety's Canadian Literature class in the fall...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Week 3

Well after two weeks I am back and on track. So much has happened. Week 2, however sucked. I was sick the whole week and was completely depressed.
On Monday I had an interview with the promotions director at CURVE 94.3 and am pleased to say that I no longer am a volunteer. I am a paid promotions host for CHUM radio :)
My first gig is this Saturday for the CURVE 94.3 Home Grown Good Stuff Social! I am really excited!! On top of now having two jobs, registering my son for kindergarten and new daycare, I have possibly purchased a new HD Cam to get started on my documentary!!
The next most important thing on my list... getting my full license so I can drive the CHUM vehicle!
Cheers to being not so depressed anymore. I hope everyone is having a great summer.


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Week 1

So the summer break is in full swing and I'm happy to say the applications have been sent! Now what's next? Probably making plans for this art show would be ideal and car plans. Ya I think that sounds like a good idea. I can't start my Haunted Manitoba doc until June. Well, I can but I wanted to wait for the tours to start happening so the excitement will kick in. Did you hear, The Haunted Winnipeg Bus Tours have been on CBC radio discussing historical stories all week.... See.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

First Year Video Montage!

Almost Done!

So exam week is in full swing. With two more days to go and a final exam tomorrow, I should be studying. However I am just way too excited for the summer to begin. I have so many things planned, and as a few of them include a great deal of work ( besides actually working at my part-time job) I don't feel as if they are such.

I volunteered last week for CURVE 94.3 last week for a three hour gig, selling cupcakes for cancer. Although I was not actually selling the cupcakes, I was still participating in the event. It was so much fun and has pretty much peaked my enthusiasm for everything that is about to take place over the course of the summer.

The first thing on my agenda is to try to get a small internship at a local ad agency. I really want to get into the industry and to this day know pretty little about it. So this is one of the top things on my list.

Second, I am starting all the preliminary work on my video IPP, a 12 minute documentary on Haunted Manitoba (that's what I'm calling it). This will include all the fun stuff, like participating the The Haunted Winnipeg Bus and Ghost Tours. This is something I have wanted to do since my little guy was born, so lets say just over five years ago. I will also be researching the places I have chosen to document, and yes... film them (the spooky stuff will come later). I will be finding the suitable people to interview as well as old photos from the Manitoba Archives building. And of course, write my script.

Thirdly, I plan to organize an art show for a long-time friend of mine who has gotten accepted into Emily Carr in Vancouver and will be leaving at the end of the summer. All her art must go! this is something I am equally excited about like the others, because wanting to work in an art gallery was also a dream of mine. I am pleased to say that through my first year as a CreComm student, I have acquired all the necessary skills to put on something like an art show for my friend "just for fun."

Other plans for the summer include: getting a car, taking my son to the park, car, writing band reviews, car, catching up on my favourtite shows, car, soccer with my son, car, and catching some sun. Did I forget anything? .... Oh, car!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sports Article #2

The new proposed stadium to be built at the University of Manitoba is officially underway. The new stadium is set to be ready for the start of the 2012 season. $90 million, the estimated financing amount has been given from the government to David Asper. The financing will help Asper’s company, Cre(s)win Properties Inc. with the overall construction costs of the stadium ($115 million) and the fitness centre ($22 million) of $137 million. But how will this loan affect taxpayers? And is a new stadium worth the money?

Nick Andrelunas is a Winnipegger against the proposed tax increase. “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” retorts Andrelunas. What if Asper can’t pay the money back? In the beginning when this proposed stadium was just a future plan, Winnipeggers were told that the new proposed stadium wouldn’t affect taxpayers. Andrelunas is not pleased with the outcome, “I think it should have been more straight forward from the start, “he says.

Another vast concern is location. For most people who currently bus to the Winnipeg Blue Bombers games, the rapid transit system to the University of Manitoba is crucial. Some might think the location is not convenient.

Chas Vokey is a long-time Bomber fan, “I think it’s a good idea,” says Vokey who is pleased that the Winnipeg Blue Bombers are getting a new stadium. Vokey doesn’t feel that the location is a big deal at all. “It could be worse,” adds Vokey. “It could be outside the city.”

The rapid transit system which has been in construction since October 22, 2008 is estimated to be finished by the time the new stadium will be complete.

In addition to Winnipeg proposing a new stadium, Saskatchewan is planning on investing in a new one as well, a bigger one. Are they trying to outdo us? Vokey doesn’t think so, “As much of a Bomber fan I am, Roughrider fans are much more die-hard… so a bigger stadium there makes sense.”

Unfortunately, I failed this article, due to accessing TSN's article to find out David Asper's company's name which is actually Creswin Properties Inc. but not according to this TSN article.

Third paragraph - second line

Thanks TSN!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Part 1: sports Articles

This article is from a month ago, but still....

Why do Manitobans love the Moose? “It brought the city together,” said fan, Chris Managh, 24.  Managh and three friends attend the AHL Manitoba Moose games regularly.

The four fans started attending the Moose games last year during the playoffs.  “The playoffs got interesting,” said Cody Joseph, 22.  The Manitoba Moose made it to the 2009 playoffs for the Calder Cup championship, they were finalists in the game against the Hershey Bears, but lost.

“The biggest thing about the Moose is that it unites the city (of Winnipeg).  You can sit next to a stranger and high five them and not even know who they are,” said Managh at last night’s game at the MTS Centre against the Worcester Sharks.

But high-fiving with fellow Moose fans isn’t the highlight of their hockey experience.  “You gotta heckle, it’s part of the game,” said Managh who sported a Manitoba Moose jersey outfit complete with the matching toque. Managh’s friend agreed, “Ragging on those visiting fans is a lot of fun too,” said Joseph. 

Joseph went on to explain that when the Manitoba Moose play against the Hamilton Bulldogs, opposing fans usually crowd the arena.  “You just bug ‘em when a goal is scored, tell them they suck,” explained Managh, who admitted that he has already been to 13 of the home games at the MTS Centre.

All four men play hockey for recreation beer leagues.  Both Managh and Joseph have been involved in hockey for a long time.  “I have a Teemu Selanne jersey, but I haven’t worn it in about a year,” said the now minor league hockey fan, Joseph, who also sported his Manitoba Moose jersey.

Managh reported that most Winnipeg NHL fans don’t like the AHL team, the Manitoba Moose because, “our team is built up of has beens.” But Joseph retorted, “the Jets are in the past, move on people.”

Both Managh and Joseph expected that the Moose will have taken the game last night, not just for the sake of winning but for current goalie, Cory Schneider who will soon be leaving the Manitoba Moose as part of a trade deal.

“They’re on a streak right now, they’re gonna win one for Schneider before he takes off,” said Managh.  Joseph was a bit more optimistic on the idea of a new goalie, “the goalie they are trading for is definitely better for the team.”

The Manitoba Moose ended the night with a victory of 3-1 over the Worcester Sharks.  According to the Winnipeg Sun, the trade deadline for Cory Schneider is set for today at 2 p.m.

Tomorrow, will post a Bomber story

Monday, March 29, 2010

IPP Approved!

Today, on average, seventy something CreComms had fifteen minute interviews with a panel of instructors. The panel interrogated us and asked a series of questions (to make sure we know our stuff).  The nerves didn't set in until about 5 minutes beforehand.  In the time leading up to the interview, I took my dad and son on a tour of the Red River College campus. Joey loved it. For some reason the stairs were his favourite part. He kept wanting to go up!

So once I was in the office anticipating the questions they'd ask, my stomach started to flop a bit. So, I did what I always do. I put on a smile and laughed a lot! I think, now I think... that my positive personality is what got me approved. They said they could sense how passionate I was about this project. They tried to scare me off by telling me that my choice of project; a film documentary on Haunted Manitoba was an extremely difficult task. They even tried persuading me to do a still photo slide show with narrations. I think that the face I made, quickly told them I was not impressed.

Now as a first year CreComm, I will not lie, I have no idea as to how to produce a documentary. I am learning. And as to why I have chosen this method of IPP? Why not? We are in a program that gives us the opportunity to do something that we wouldn't ordinarily have the option of doing. I mean, how cool would it be to make a documentary?

I am now officially devoting my summer to filming this thing. Documentary... here I come!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The best Haunting Movies of all Time

So in an effort to start preliminary research on my Independent Personal Project : Manitoba Hauntings documentary (pending approval with the panel next Monday), I have been on this kick of rewatching haunting movies and have stumbled upon this list of best Haunting Movies of all time:

1. The Shining (1980)
2. The Blair Witch Project (1999)
3. Session 9 (2001)
4. The Ring (2002)
5. The Sixth Sense (1999)
6. The Amityville Horror (1979)
7. The Changeling (1980)
8. Ju-On: The Grudge (2003)
9. The Others (2001)
10. Al Final del Espectro (2006)

Check out the full list HERE
Think of any others?
Let me know.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

I'm Lovin' It

Just as promised....

Scroll down to the earlier post, "Gimme that Fillet O Fish" if you don't understand the purpose of this post.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

And now some insights in CreComm screenplay writing

In school we are learning to film short mini-screenplays we had written last semester.  So far, we have written radio dramas, and entered them in a competition.  My group didn't win, but I'm sure if we presented on time, we may have a had a chance.

Then we had to write a montage and like usual, I used the deep angle.  I, for some reason have a much easier time writing about traumas.  It's not that I'm sick and get some sort of cheap thrill out of it, it just seemes to be something that I can write fairly well.

Currently, we in the process of writing a much longer screenplay and now that we have had the chance to film a short, I'm sure that writing a bigger one will involve a lot more detail to be taken into consideration.

For me, it feels like writing a screenplay is sort of like writing a short story.  There needs to be a beginning, middle and an end, as well as a PURPOSE. Also just like a short story, the setting needs to be described fully.

And don't forget there has to be a protagonist.  But there is a further step into writing a screenplay, something about plot points? Yes I know there is a bit more meaning to the plot point than what I have specified, my definition is still a little sketchy, but I think I get the gist.

Anyway, this is an example of the short film featured in class.  My idea is somewhat similar in the way of concept. Hence, the traumatic theme I was referring to earlier.

Friday, February 26, 2010

"Gimme me back that Fillet O' Fish"

There is an abundance of fish burger ads recently, have you noticed? I noticed this wave of fish burger advertising last weekend.  It started with the wendy's ad explaining that their fish burgers are not made from mystery fish. Well that's good news to hear, if I liked fish burgers.
Anyway, I found the commercial to be sort of comical.  Especially the part about the floating fish shaped like question marks at the beginning.  Quite an attention grabber, I must say. 
However the commercial does in fact lack this little jingle:

As soon as both commercial are available on YouTube, I will post them.  Ahhhh. The rivals of Wendy's and McDonalds.

Have a good weekend all!

Friday, February 12, 2010


So, in PR class we are formulating a plan to promote Winnipeg director Sean Garrity's new film Zooey & Adam. The film has already played at Cinematheque for a week the first week of February.  However, our strategic plan is to generate publicity for the film as if it were yet to be played.

One tactic I am using for this plan is by using social media such as Twitter and Facebook.  I was quick to realize that these two sites will be used quite differently.  Many people use Twitter (if at all) and Facebook completely differently.

For me, I started out using Facebook around four years ago.  I didn't want to join the Facebook nation.  I loved my MySpace.  But sadly, I was losing all my social media friends to Facebook.  At frist Facebook was used to promote photos of yourself in all your glamour and update your status reports.  I would say, it was mostly used a network between friends, to find all of those people you haven't spoken with since eighth grade and just say "hi."

Facebook was becoming a great way to meet people and used pretty much for pleasure.  As time went on, applications were added, for games, poking people (just because it's so nice), sending gifts, etc.  Even major corporation and U.S. President Barack Obama Facebook now.

So in the case of my PR project, (I wont say much as to not give my strategy away) I used Facebook to formulate a fan page (kind of like good 'ol MySpace).

Now, Twitter. I honestly have to say that if I wasn't in PR, there is a good chance I may not be twittering at all.  I did attempt to start a twitter account in the beginning of the school year, before having an active Twitter account became mandatory, however, I felt it way too confusing to get going.  For some strange reason, I just couldn't seem to find the people to ad.  I knew they were there, I just couldn't find them.

But since I have been Tweeting, I have noticed that it is a great tool, to keep in touch with corporations, the news, music, tours, etc.  It's only downfall, if people Twitter constantly, and if you miss a couple hours of feeds, you miss a lot.

My friends list, besides fellow CreComms consist mostly of people that I want to network with, that will be essential in my future career.  For instance I follow such feeds as, a worldwide advertising website, local ad agencies, local and national news feeds.  I even follow local news anchors.  And even though, Andrea Slobodian (former weather and community anchor for Global Winnipeg) has moved to Calgary, I can still keep in touch with her via Twitter.

None of my personal outside of CreComm friends use Twitter or at least not to my knowledge.  But then again how would I know.  The major difference of Twitter than Facebook: the people are not right at your fingertips.