Friday, February 12, 2010


So, in PR class we are formulating a plan to promote Winnipeg director Sean Garrity's new film Zooey & Adam. The film has already played at Cinematheque for a week the first week of February.  However, our strategic plan is to generate publicity for the film as if it were yet to be played.

One tactic I am using for this plan is by using social media such as Twitter and Facebook.  I was quick to realize that these two sites will be used quite differently.  Many people use Twitter (if at all) and Facebook completely differently.

For me, I started out using Facebook around four years ago.  I didn't want to join the Facebook nation.  I loved my MySpace.  But sadly, I was losing all my social media friends to Facebook.  At frist Facebook was used to promote photos of yourself in all your glamour and update your status reports.  I would say, it was mostly used a network between friends, to find all of those people you haven't spoken with since eighth grade and just say "hi."

Facebook was becoming a great way to meet people and used pretty much for pleasure.  As time went on, applications were added, for games, poking people (just because it's so nice), sending gifts, etc.  Even major corporation and U.S. President Barack Obama Facebook now.

So in the case of my PR project, (I wont say much as to not give my strategy away) I used Facebook to formulate a fan page (kind of like good 'ol MySpace).

Now, Twitter. I honestly have to say that if I wasn't in PR, there is a good chance I may not be twittering at all.  I did attempt to start a twitter account in the beginning of the school year, before having an active Twitter account became mandatory, however, I felt it way too confusing to get going.  For some strange reason, I just couldn't seem to find the people to ad.  I knew they were there, I just couldn't find them.

But since I have been Tweeting, I have noticed that it is a great tool, to keep in touch with corporations, the news, music, tours, etc.  It's only downfall, if people Twitter constantly, and if you miss a couple hours of feeds, you miss a lot.

My friends list, besides fellow CreComms consist mostly of people that I want to network with, that will be essential in my future career.  For instance I follow such feeds as, a worldwide advertising website, local ad agencies, local and national news feeds.  I even follow local news anchors.  And even though, Andrea Slobodian (former weather and community anchor for Global Winnipeg) has moved to Calgary, I can still keep in touch with her via Twitter.

None of my personal outside of CreComm friends use Twitter or at least not to my knowledge.  But then again how would I know.  The major difference of Twitter than Facebook: the people are not right at your fingertips.

1 comment:

  1. Nice tie-in with the project. It can be a real trick to integrate them into a larger campaign...


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