Thursday, February 11, 2010

Lush Ad

So far, I have developed two ads for Lush. The first, not being very good, actually quite horrible, inspired me to create a better one that is to be handed in as my draft.  Since then, I have another concept in mind, kind of like a cartoony looking bath tub.

This project boosted my decision to decide to major in Ad next year.  I came to the college with the dream of working in the ad industry, but my mind changed shortly I was introduced to Media Production.  Ever since I have been not just coming up with copy, but design ideas as well, my love for this profession has set me on a fast track.

Honestly I can sit for hours, even just starting out a rough draft with paper and glue is super exiting to me. Just as long as I can make my idea into a reality. I can't wait to see what the final draft will look like.


  1. Jenn, that second ad looks amazing! I'd keep up the paper-and-glue look; I think it really captures the Lush Brand (funky and homemade).

  2. awe, thx Brietta. Unfortunately I don't think I can. It has to be made in InDesign. But I will keep it :)


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