Thursday, November 18, 2010

It's snowing, time to relax

Yes, it is snowing and it makes me happy for a few reasons. Things have been super stressful as this semester is wrapping up. I can't believe it is almost over. It feels like it just started! But the lightly falling snowflakes are reminding me to keep it together, relax, enjoy what I have accomplished and decorate a Christmas tree with my family this weekend. There are only a few weeks left and it seems like the majority of our big assignments are either done or the bulk of them are. I feel like a weight has been lifted and am enjoying our smaller assignments. Most recently, we have written a PSA for Bear Your Heart, a charity for the Childrens Wish Foundation on February 7th. I really enjoyed this assignment, just about as much as I enjoyed writing a series of 15 second spots for radio advertising today. It excites me, that this is the kind of work I will be doing at CHUM radio in January. Despite everything, that has been happening at Curve 94.3, I am still pretty excited to work for them, but at the same time, a little worried. But stations need advertising right? I hope everything will work out.
For now, I am just happy knowing that this weekend, I can start my shopping, decorate my tree and bake some cookies! Oh, and try to convince my five-year old that Santa is real...
As for our next bit of assignments, I look forward to them, don't laugh. I am happy to create a ton of spots and proposals to build up my proposal. The end is almost near and our careers will soon befall us. Now isn't that exiting?

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