Wednesday, March 3, 2010

And now some insights in CreComm screenplay writing

In school we are learning to film short mini-screenplays we had written last semester.  So far, we have written radio dramas, and entered them in a competition.  My group didn't win, but I'm sure if we presented on time, we may have a had a chance.

Then we had to write a montage and like usual, I used the deep angle.  I, for some reason have a much easier time writing about traumas.  It's not that I'm sick and get some sort of cheap thrill out of it, it just seemes to be something that I can write fairly well.

Currently, we in the process of writing a much longer screenplay and now that we have had the chance to film a short, I'm sure that writing a bigger one will involve a lot more detail to be taken into consideration.

For me, it feels like writing a screenplay is sort of like writing a short story.  There needs to be a beginning, middle and an end, as well as a PURPOSE. Also just like a short story, the setting needs to be described fully.

And don't forget there has to be a protagonist.  But there is a further step into writing a screenplay, something about plot points? Yes I know there is a bit more meaning to the plot point than what I have specified, my definition is still a little sketchy, but I think I get the gist.

Anyway, this is an example of the short film featured in class.  My idea is somewhat similar in the way of concept. Hence, the traumatic theme I was referring to earlier.

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