Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Is Journalism Dead?

We live in a world where competition is unavoidable.  Whichever career option you choose, you have to fight to be the best of the best.  The best chef, the best lawyer, the best engineer, the best teacher.  It's all about your resume, experiences, portfolio; everything that 'you' bring to the table.  Journalism is no exception in this rule.  Yes, it may be true that Journalism is a really hard career to get into, but honestly is it an easy job?  No, I don't think so, the idea of Journalism in itself is competitive.  In order to be a good Journalist you do have to be the best of the best.  The jobs are out there and if you're good at what you do; love it, enjoy it, fight for it, fight for it, fight for it, you will be just fine.  Journalism is far from dead.


  1. Absolutely right. Journalism will continue to evolve, like most other professions do -- but people will always need it. The era of user-generated content and crowdsourcing and social media have inarguably changed the dynamic of public communications, and they have taken away some of the mainstream media's power to dictate public discourse, but they won't ever replace journalists.

    Why? Because we will always need someone credible to tell us who to believe, to ask important questions, and to hold people and organizations to account.

    The Internet can give us millions of opinions to weigh... but we simply aren't capable of weighing millions of opinions. So we will always look to a credible source to help us filter all the information coming at us, and present it for us in a way we can understand: a journalist.

  2. I love this post Jenn. It gives me hope! Sometimes people just have to leap into a career they love, even if it's going to be a rough ride!


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