As many of my readers know, I am a Creative Communications student in my second year. A huge part of our curriculum is our Independent Professional Project (IPP). My IPP is a documentary on three haunted places in Manitoba and I am pleased to say that this IPP is well on it's way. I have documented two out of the three sites and have done some paranormal research of my own.
The fact is, that based on my script and proposal, only one story is supposed to have an investigation. All three are filmed using different mediums. One involves a reenactment, one is an investigation and the other is filled with eye-witness accounts.
From what I have noticed, my friends both at school and out of school have been recommending that I visit sites from all over the province. I really enjoy investigating and don't need anymore locations to be researched for my IPP.
However, I have decided that as part of my marketing tool, to get this documentary placed on national television, I should continue to investigate and blog about my findings.
I have decided that a blog full of investigations would be a great piece to have when I pitch my idea for national television. Who knows, maybe if I don't find a job right after graduation, I will have a career in a television series waiting for me. One can only hope.
In the mean time I'll just keep on doing what I'm doing. Not only for my documentary, but for my overall interest in this topic. I absolutely love the rush of completely spooking myself out! And I hope you all will enjoy reading about it as well.
Thank you to all for your support and feel free to recommend haunted places, movies and books. I appreciate the interest all of you have in my project as well as the support I have received.