Saturday, November 7, 2009

Every day it seems as though bad things happen to good people. And we are all left wondering why? It has been almost two weeks since my friend's boyfriend got killed in a head-on collision and yet, I still get quite upset during various times of my days. Some days I'm fine and others, like today, my thoughts get to me and I can't stop the tears. Does anyone know the right words, the things to say when this sort of thing happens? We all mean well in expressing our sympathy, but isn't asking, "how are you doing?" going to trigger tears? Not only did she lose her boyfriend, but we all lost our friend, she wont be the same and as hard as she tries, with her kind words over texts, I know she is hurting. She is strong, but sometimes we aren't strong enough. Sometimes being surrounded by family and just knowing that they care is all you can do. She had to quit her job and is moving back home to another city. And everyone keeps asking me if this is why I'm upset, honestly it is not. I haven't seen her since I started school. The reason is that she such a kind-hearted girl who shouldn't have to go through something as traumatic as this. She was always there in my troubled times and it hurts me that I can't do anything for her. I can't even imagine what she is going through, how she feels. I mean how traumatic can it be for you when you are on the phone as its happening? I can't even tell her how I feel because I'm worried about how it will make her feel. I just hope that her knowing that we are there if and when she needs us will help her through. I still can't believe this has happened. I remember how she used to tell us she couldn't sleep without him. Or as angry as he would make her, in their three years she could never go a weekend without seeing him. They used to have so much fun together, they were so in love. All it takes is a second and your whole world can come crashing down.
We live in an unfair, uncertain world and it saddens me.

This is for you Dina, it helped me through my pain. Hugs and kisses honey, I will always be here for you.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what to say...:( Maybe just knowing you are there to listen is enough, maybe it's not the words necessarily but the effort you are putting in by being there. It's so tragic that a young life has been taken away, and I'm so sorry for your loss, and for Dina's loss. It must be even worse for her because she not only lost the love of her life but is having to move away as well..:(

    Friends of the family are going through a loss as well, but it's a bit different because he was a bit older and we were all expecting it because he'd been ill for awhile now. But when I went to the funeral this weekend, as I hugged each of our friends, I was at a loss for words, and all I could say was "I'm sorry". But I think it helped that we all made the effort to be there in their time of need, so maybe words don't matter as much as we may think they do..:)


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