Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cocoon Branding Inc.

So I finally came back to class today feeling a little bit better. Thanks for all the compliments guys :) So I walk into ad class and it looks like I missed out on some great presentations pertaining to ad agencies; big and small, all over the country.  I immediately thought of my favorite one right here in the city called Cocoon Branding Inc. I fell in love with Cocoon about a year ago when I was searching for office work before going back to school.  Pretty much what drew me in was their logo...

 ... I remember passing the building on the street and was always fascinated by their unique butterfly logo.  I thought it was super adorable. I thought "a place this cute and colorful must be a fun place to work."  What do ya know, it turns out to be an ad agency, one by which did the campaign for Curve94.3 FM; also a career that can be attained in the CreComm program at RRC.  They have also done campaigns for Red Bull, Scotia bank, Winnipeg Credit Union, Cropo Funeral Chapel, and the Arthritis Society just to name a few.  I have applied for this company a few times and have befriended them on facebook. I am happy to say they have my name on file and that this is my career goal objective.



  1. Way to be super proactive! That's awesome.

  2. What a cute logo... you're totally right. I think it's great that you have a career objective, and that you know which direction you want to go (I wish I could say the same for myself).

    I'm sure Kent will think this is perfect for the ad assignment we had to do. You took it upon yourself to complete it, and that's all any instructor can ask for!

    I'm also glad you're feeling better! See you tomorrow!

  3. Thanks Jenn, your post is very much appreciated. Best of luck in school - our creative team are all RRC grads.

    Kyle Romaniuk, Brand Director (& Founder of Cocoon)

  4. Oh my gosh! Thank you for your comment, that to me is very much appreciated. I hope that one day I will be good enough that you will think of me. Keep it up, I love your company.

    Thanks, Jenn

  5. Hey Jenn, I am not surprised you did Cocoon Branding Inc. for your local agency (because you like the company so much!) I’m happy that you pointed out how they do the advertising campaign for Curve94.3 FM because I am going to talk about their billboards in one of my upcoming blogs. They do excellent work, so it’s no surprise that you aspire to work there one day! (You’re so talented that I have no doubts Cocoon with be in your near future!)Cheers!


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